Budget your life one day at a time. As with many obstacles in life, financial struggles can be overcome one day at a time.

Many of us have gone through trials in life, whether it is a death of a loved one, divorce, substance abuse, etc., we have all been taught to take life ‘one day at a time’. It is such a small, yet powerful phrase. When we wake up each morning, and are focused to take the first step in the right direction, it inevitably sets the motion for that day.

Do you take that first step with thanks or do you take that first step with burden? Do you measure your days based on the timing of your paycheck (I am ok today, because I just got paid!)? Do you continue to struggle in the days before you get paid again? I know… I remember digging for coins to know exactly how much money I can put in the gas tank or to have just enough to buy something from the dollar menu at the local fast food joint for lunch.

Living my life based on the paycheck cycle was stressful and difficult. It was also very difficult to break out of this cycle, but it is possible and we can all do it one day at a time! I started allowing myself to spend one day at a time and it became my allowance. My check at one point in time was $500 per week, and after paying the bills, I would have about $200 left. After grocery shopping and gas for the car, there was not much left! I would spend most of the remaining money at the grocery store with one big shopping trip. What was I thinking? This not only took a lot of the money, but a lot of planning (what food do I need for the whole week?).

Remember, one day at a time! If I made a couple smaller trips to the grocery store throughout the week, I would spend less and only buy what was needed for the next day or two. Smaller trips = smaller expense!

After getting my shopping under control and consistent, I started to look at the bill situation. How can I apply this new concept to my inconsistent bills (those that fluctuate each month)? Who has time to monitor the utilities and usage (especially with kids!)? Except for seasonal changes, our usage does not fluctuate too much, so how can I reduce the overall cost?

I recently learned that energy deregulation is now in effect across much of the USA which will give us a choice AND provide reduced rates on our utility bills. This could not come at a better time with the uncertainty of the future and increasing cost of living. Think about it for a moment… our utility bills are the worst! These are bills that will never be paid off, and until now, we had no control over the rate, and no choice.

This is such a simple WIN WIN and if you hate your utility bills, like I do, take control over your rate. Let me provide you a quote for free.

Click here to request a FREE electronic quotation to reduce or eliminate your utility bills. Don’t delay! Find out NOW before you pay another bill.

If you continue to focus and take your financial situation one day at a time by spending less on a daily basis and signing up to reduce your utility expenses, this will lead to better weekly budgeting as well as provide you more CONTROL over your money.